Rules and Code of Conduct

Check your ego at the door.  We are all there to help one another and work as a team. 

Students must train with respect and consideration for other students. All students must be considerate of other students, guests and instructors at all times

Students must show up on time for class. Preferably 15 minute early to prepare (wrap hands ets) Students who are late will wait to be acknowledged and admitted into class by the instructor

This is a form of self defence and as such no students will provoke violence outside the gym or allow themselves to be provoked into violence.

There will be no sparring/rolling without the express permission of the instructor

Student must cover cuts or wounds on their body before class.

Student must be hygienically considerate of others - we work in close contact so take showers and use deodorant as necessary and ensure fingernails and toenails are kept short.

While these rules may seem formal, they help instill a sense of respect and discipline necessary in a 'sport' which may, if taken lightly, be dangerous.

Any student behaving in a disrespectful or dangerous manner will be asked to leave the floor. Loss of temper or bad language will not be tolerated for any reason. Any dispute should be brought to the attention of the Instructor